EDD Calculator by LMP

Welcome to the EDD Calculator by LMP Tool on Mitao Care! This handy tool helps you estimate your Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) based on your Last Menstrual Period (LMP). Knowing your EDD can be useful for healthcare professionals and expectant parents to monitor the progress of pregnancy and plan accordingly. Let's get started!

EDD Calculator by LMP


How to Use:

Step 1: Enter the Date of Your Last Menstrual Period (LMP)

In the EDD Calculator tool, you will find a date input field labeled "Date of LMP." Click on the field and enter the date of your last menstrual period. Make sure to enter the correct day, month, and year for accurate results.

Step 2: Click the Calculate Button

After entering the date of your LMP, locate the "Calculate" button below the input field. Click on the button to initiate the calculation process.

Step 3: View Your Estimated Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)

Once you click the "Calculate" button, the EDD Calculator will process the information you provided and display your estimated Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) below the calculator. You will see the date along with the day of the week, month, and year.

Step 4: Repeat for Accurate Results

If you need to calculate the EDD for multiple pregnancies or want to verify the estimated EDD at a later stage, simply repeat the steps by entering the date of the LMP and clicking the "Calculate" button again.

Important Note:

The EDD Calculator by LMP Tool provides an estimate based on the assumption of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. However, individual menstrual cycles may vary, so it's important to consult with your healthcare provider for a more precise assessment of your EDD based on your specific circumstances.

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